A variety of glass and ceramic tiles for mosaic and mixed media art


click on the quick view to choose between a) crystal glass tiles 23x23x4mm-18 tiles per sheet or b) pre-nipped tiles

This tiles can be used as any other tiles or you can also make your own patterned or word tiles by glueing paper to the back of the tile

click on the quick view to choose between: a) crystal glass tiles 23x23x4mm - 18mix tiles per sheet or b) as pre-nipped tiles

click on quick view to choose between: a) glitter tiles 23x23x4mm - 18 tiles per sheet b) glitter mini tiles 10x10x4mm - 64 tiles per sheet c) large glitter tiles, pre-nipped

click on quick view to choose between: a) metalic texture tiles 23x23x4mm - 24 tiles per sheet b) metalic texture tiles pre-nipped